The most recent discussion is never the only discussion being had on this site. If you’re new to DefineFunctioning, here’s a little tour of what you’ll find and where you’ll find it. Remember that DF is still in its Baby Beta Stage, so any and all suggestions (for organization and content) are welcome.

Most posts are presented as discussion topics and conversation starters and conclude with some questions or a discussion prompt. Many of these are organized into recurring features.

Recurring Features

The BULLETIN BOARD is a place for forum participants to promote mental health events or postings.

COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS are discussion topics that arise from suggestions by forum members. You can suggest a topic by writing it up and sending an email to DefineFunctioning [at] gmail [dot] com, by tweeting a thought or a link to @BackwardE, or by posting it to DefineFunctioning’s Facebook wall.

Discussion topics FROM THE COMMENTS are those that arise from the comments section of a previous post. Occasionally, something is said in the comments that is brought to the front of the discussion because of its profundity, insight, universality, or other superlatively thought-provoking qualities.

Posts that don’t fall into another category are usually labeled as GROUP topics. They are discussions and opportunities to share, vent, question, and generally talk.

GTD (Getting Things Done) posts evaluate, consider, propose, or discuss ways of getting things done. Currently, this category is seriously lacking in posts — mostly because ∃ has no idea what to offer. If you have some element of a regimen that works for you, let us know!

META posts are about the site itself (including changes, updates, and new features).

Occassionally a POLL will be posted as a general icebreaker.

Forum members can send in recent articles on mental health issues for immediate REACTION from the forum. These are quick and short posts that contain a link or two for discussion.

DefineFunctioning has something like a book club going. ∃’s current reading is always posted on the right sidebar and everyone is welcome to read along. As she reads, she writes READING RESPONSE posts as a way into discussing what we’re reading. They are not book reviews, but things the reading made her think. If you’re reading along and want to write a Reading Response, please do! Then send it to DefineFunctioning [at] gmail [dot] com. If you have a piece of reading to share with others, send it along as well.

Posts that include links to related reading are under the RESOURCE topic. It’s a general catch-all category with links to a variety of things.

SKELETONS is a rarely used topic. This category is specific to themes surrounding what we hide.